Follow this tutorial to set up RevenueCat for in-app purchases
You can find the RevenueCat integration at /providers/RevenueCatProvider.tsx
and it is initialized at /app/(tabs)/_layout.tsx
like this:
import { View, Text, useColorScheme } from 'react-native';
import React from 'react';
import { Tabs } from 'expo-router';
import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import { RevenueCatProvider } from '@/providers/RevenueCatProvider';
const Layout = () => {
const colorScheme = useColorScheme(); // Get the current theme
// Define light and dark theme colors
const lightThemeColors = {
tabBarActiveTintColor: '#6829D5',
tabBarInactiveTintColor: '#A9A9A9',
tabBarBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
const darkThemeColors = {
tabBarActiveTintColor: '#A59EC8',
tabBarInactiveTintColor: '#A9A9A9',
tabBarBackgroundColor: '#1F2732',
// Select colors based on the current theme
const themeColors = colorScheme === 'dark' ? darkThemeColors : lightThemeColors;
return (
<GestureHandlerRootView className='flex-1'>
headerShown: false,
tabBarActiveTintColor: themeColors.tabBarActiveTintColor,
tabBarInactiveTintColor: themeColors.tabBarInactiveTintColor,
tabBarStyle: {
backgroundColor: themeColors.tabBarBackgroundColor,
title: "CRUD",
tabBarIcon: ({ size, color }) => (
<Ionicons name='document-text' size={size} color={color} />
title: "Components",
tabBarIcon: ({ size, color }) => (
<Ionicons name='browsers' size={size} color={color} />
title: "Settings",
tabBarIcon: ({ size, color }) => (
<Ionicons name='settings' size={size} color={color} />
href: null,
export default Layout;
Setting up In-App Purchases and Subscriptions
First of all you should create a RevenueCat account for free (e.g. using your Github account) and then create a new project in your account, under which you can add your iOS and Android apps and their respective bundle IDs.
To add IAP to your app you of course need a native app, so make sure you have set up an according app ID for iOS and Android before you continue.
You will also need to to work on your app in App Store Connect for iOS as well as the Google Developer Console for Android where you can add In-App purchases and subscriptions, so make sure you got all the credentials for those accounts.
We are not covering the full process of adding offerings and items to RevenueCat, but you can find a great guide in the RevenueCat getting started guide.
The steps are:
- Create the products in App Store Connect and the Google Developer Console
- Add the products to RevenueCat
- Create entitlements in RevenueCat and add the products to them
- Define offerings in RevenueCat and add the products to them
RevenueCat Provider
We need to load our products and offerings from RevenueCat when the React Native app starts, so we have a RevenueCatProvider
that will do this for us.
We also want to be able to purchase items and restore purchases, so we have these methods as well to the provider as well.
To make sure all of these functions are available to our React app, we create a RevenueCatContext
and export it as a useRevenueCat
hook to be used in our app.
At this point you also need your RevenueCat API keys, which you can find in your RevenueCat project under API Keys. You will need to add them to the .env
This is the structure of the RevenueCatProvider
import { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
import Purchases, { LOG_LEVEL, PurchasesPackage } from 'react-native-purchases';
import { CustomerInfo } from 'react-native-purchases';
// Use your RevenueCat API keys
const APIKeys = {
apple: process.env.REVENUE_CAT_APPLE_KEY,
google: process.env.REVENUE_CAT_GOOGLE_KEY
interface RevenueCatProps {
purchasePackage?: (pack: PurchasesPackage) => Promise<void>;
restorePermissions?: () => Promise<CustomerInfo>;
user: UserState;
packages: PurchasesPackage[];
export interface UserState {
pro: boolean;
subscriptionType: 'monthly' | 'annual' | null; // Added to track subscription type
const RevenueCatContext = createContext<RevenueCatProps | null>(null);
// Export context for easy usage
export const useRevenueCat = () => {
return useContext(RevenueCatContext) as RevenueCatProps;
// Provide RevenueCat functions to our app
export const RevenueCatProvider = ({ children }: any) => {
const [user, setUser] = useState<UserState>({ pro: false, subscriptionType: null });
const [packages, setPackages] = useState<PurchasesPackage[]>([]);
const [isReady, setIsReady] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const init = async () => {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
await Purchases.configure({ apiKey: || 'undefined' });
} else {
await Purchases.configure({ apiKey: || 'undefined' });
// Use more logging during debug if want!
// Listen for customer updates
Purchases.addCustomerInfoUpdateListener(async (info) => {
// Load all offerings and the user object with entitlements
await loadOfferings();
}, []);
// Load all offerings a user can (currently) purchase
const loadOfferings = async () => {
const offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings();
if (offerings.current) {
// Update user state based on previous purchases
const updateCustomerInformation = async (customerInfo: CustomerInfo) => {
const newUser: UserState = { ...user, pro: false, subscriptionType: null };
if (customerInfo?['PRO_MONTHLY']) { = true;
newUser.subscriptionType = 'monthly';
if (customerInfo?['PRO_ANNUAL']) { = true;
newUser.subscriptionType = 'annual';
// Purchase a package
const purchasePackage = async (pack: PurchasesPackage) => {
try {
const purchase = await Purchases.purchasePackage(pack);
if (['PRO_MONTHLY']) {
setUser({ ...user, pro: true, subscriptionType: 'monthly' });
} else if (['PRO_ANNUAL']) {
setUser({ ...user, pro: true, subscriptionType: 'annual' });
} catch (e: any) {
if (!e.userCancelled) {
// Restore previous purchases
const restorePermissions = async () => {
const customer = await Purchases.restorePurchases();
return customer;
const value = {
// Return empty fragment if provider is not ready (Purchase not yet initialised)
if (!isReady) return <></>;
return <RevenueCatContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</RevenueCatContext.Provider>;
As you can see in the code we have 2 entitlements PRO_MONTHLY
set up. You can add more entitlements in RevenueCat and then add them to the updateCustomerInformation
Also note that we have 2 subscription types monthly
and annual
in the UserState
This is the structure of the Paywall
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity, SafeAreaView, Image } from 'react-native';
import { useRouter } from 'expo-router';
import icon from '@/assets/images/icon.png';
import { useRevenueCat } from '@/providers/RevenueCatProvider';
import { PurchasesPackage } from 'react-native-purchases';
const PaywallScreen: React.FC = () => {
const router = useRouter();
// State for the selected subscription
const [selectedPlan, setSelectedPlan] = useState('Monthly');
// Mock Plan options (local data)
const plans = [
{ id: 'Monthly', label: 'Full Access for just $4.99/mo' },
{ id: 'Annual', label: 'Full Access for just $39.99/yr' },
const { user, packages, purchasePackage, restorePermissions } = useRevenueCat();
// Function to handle the package purchase
const handleSubscribe = () => {
const selectedPackage = packages.find(pack => pack.identifier === selectedPlan);
if (selectedPackage) {
} else {
alert('Selected package not found');
const onPurchase = (pack: PurchasesPackage) => {
// Purchase the package
// Rendering the plan options dynamically (local data)
const renderPlanOptions = () => {
return => (
onPress={() => setSelectedPlan(}
className={`flex-row items-center justify-between p-4 rounded-lg border ${selectedPlan === ? 'border-[#6829D5] bg-[#A59EC8] text-[#212122]' : 'border-[#A59EC8]'}`}
<View className='flex-column'>
<Text className={`text-lg font-bold ${selectedPlan === ? 'text-[#212122]' : 'text-[#212122] dark:text-gray-200'}`}>{}</Text>
<Text className={`text-base ${selectedPlan === ? 'text-[#212122]' : 'text-[#212122] dark:text-gray-200'}`}>{plan.label}</Text>
{selectedPlan === && (
<View className='w-5 h-5 bg-[#6829D5] rounded-full' />
// Rendering RevenueCat plans
const renderRevenueCatPlans = () => {
return => (
onPress={() => setSelectedPlan(pack.identifier)}
className={`flex-row items-center justify-between p-4 rounded-lg border ${selectedPlan === pack.identifier ? 'border-[#6829D5] bg-[#A59EC8] text-[#212122]' : 'border-[#A59EC8]'}`}
<View className='flex-column'>
<Text className={`text-lg font-bold ${selectedPlan === pack.identifier ? 'text-[#212122]' : 'text-[#212122] dark:text-gray-200'}`}>{pack.product.title}</Text>
<Text className={`text-base ${selectedPlan === pack.identifier ? 'text-[#212122]' : 'text-[#212122] dark:text-gray-200'}`}>{pack.product.description}</Text>
{selectedPlan === pack.identifier && (
<View className='w-5 h-5 bg-[#6829D5] rounded-full' />
return (
<SafeAreaView className='flex-1 dark:bg-[#2D3748]'>
{/* Header */}
<View className='flex-row justify-between items-center p-4'>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => router.back()}>
<Text className='text-[#6829D5] dark:text-[#A59EC8]'>Cancel</Text>
{/* Hero Section */}
<View className='flex-1 justify-center items-center'>
{/* Replace with your image or component */}
<Image source={icon} className='w-32 h-32 mx-auto' />
<Text className='mt-4 text-2xl font-semibold text-[#212122] dark:text-gray-200'>ExpoShip Premium</Text>
{/* Subscription Options (Render RevenueCat Packages) */}
<View className='px-6 space-y-4'>
{/* Subscribe Button */}
<View className='px-6 mt-6'>
className='bg-[#6829D5] dark:bg-[#A59EC8] py-4 rounded-lg'
<Text className='text-center text-white dark:text-[#212122] font-bold text-lg'>Subscribe Now</Text>
{/* Footer */}
<View className='flex-row justify-center mt-6 mb-4'>
<TouchableOpacity className='mx-2' onPress={restorePermissions}>
<Text className='text-[#6829D5] dark:text-[#A59EC8]'>Restore purchases</Text>
<Text className='text-gray-400'>•</Text>
<TouchableOpacity className='mx-2'>
<Text className='text-[#6829D5] dark:text-[#A59EC8]'>Terms</Text>
<Text className='text-gray-400'>•</Text>
<TouchableOpacity className='mx-2'>
<Text className='text-[#6829D5] dark:text-[#A59EC8]'>Privacy policy</Text>
export default PaywallScreen;
If you have done everything correctly, you should now be able to see your subscription options in the Paywall screen and purchase them.
To access the user subscription state in your app, you can use the useRevenueCat
hook like this:
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import React from 'react';
import { UserState } from '@/providers/RevenueCatProvider';
interface UserProps {
user: UserState;
const Page = ({ user }: UserProps) => {
return (
{ ? (
<Text>You are a Pro user with a {user.subscriptionType} subscription</Text>
) : (
<Text>You are not a Pro user</Text>
export default Page;
This is an example of how you can use the useRevenueCat
hook to access the user subscription state in your app.
If you have any problems with setting up RevenueCat, you can always refer to the RevenueCat documentation for more information.
Congrats - you have now set up RevenueCat for in-app purchases in your app!
Other tutorials
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Set up your development environment