Spend time getting familiar with the project structure. It will help you move faster!

Folder structure

1. /app

All app screens are under the /app folder, including:

  • /app/index.tsx: Main entry point for the app. It is an Onboarding screen.
  • /app/_layout.tsx: Main layout for the app. It handles the Supabase Auth session.
  • /app/auth.tsx: User authentication screen.
  • /app/(tabs): All the tab screens are under this folder (Home, Components, Settings, …).

2. /components

Reusable components are under the /components folder. These components are used across the app.

Check out the components section for more information!


Build beautiful mobile apps using Tailwind CSS.

3. /utility

Utility functions are under the /utility folder. These are various helper functions (interfaces.ts, supabase.ts) used across the app.

4. /providers

Provider functions are under the /providers folder. These are various helper functions (OneSignalProvider.tsx, RevenueCatProvider.tsx) used across the app.

5. /assets

All assets are under the /assets folder, including:

  • /assets/animations: Lottie animations used across the app.
  • /assets/images: App icons used across the app.
  • /assets/fonts: Custom fonts used across the app.