For styling ExpoShip uses Nativewind library which is wrapper for Tailwind CSS.


To change theme colors for both dark mode and light mode open /color-theme.js file and there you can change primary, secondary, tertiary, accent. etc. colors.

It looks like this:

import { vars } from 'nativewind';
export const themes = {
	light: vars({
		"--color-primary-default": "#2D3748",
		"--color-primary-light": "#F7FAFC",
		"--color-secondary-default": "#1B202D",
		"--color-secondary-light": "#EDF2F7",
		"--color-tertiary-default": "#3B485E",
		"--color-tertiary-light": "#ffc2e6",
		"--color-accent-default": "#6601FF",
		"--color-accent-light": "#AAB2FF",
		"--color-grey-default": "#979797",
		"--color-slate-default": "#38383a",
		"--color-dark-default": "#2D3748",
		"--color-light-default": "#F7FAFC",
		"--color-overlay": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .05)",
	dark: vars({
		"--color-primary-default": "#2D3748",
		"--color-primary-light": "#F7FAFC",
		"--color-secondary-default": "#1B202D",
		"--color-secondary-light": "#EDF2F7",
		"--color-tertiary-default": "#3B485E",
		"--color-tertiary-light": "#ffc2e6",
		"--color-accent-default": "#6601FF",
		"--color-accent-light": "#AAB2FF",
		"--color-grey-default": "#979797",
		"--color-slate-default": "#38383a",
		"--color-dark-default": "#2D3748",
		"--color-light-default": "#F7FAFC",
		"--color-overlay": "rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)"

Dark mode support

To support dark mode you need to add following lines to your screens:

import { ThemeContext } from '../../utility/ThemeContext';

const { theme } = useContext(ThemeContext)

const backgroundColor = theme === 'dark' ? 'bg-[--color-primary-default]' : 'bg-[--color-primary-light]';
const textColor = theme === 'dark' ? 'text-[--color-primary-light]' : 'text-[--color-primary-default]';

And then you can style your components by adding backgroundColor or textColor variables, like this:

// Usually used for main View component
className={`flex-1 justify-center items-center ${backgroundColor}`}
// Used for any text component
className={`font-bold text-center text-lg ${textColor}`}