You can find the RevenueCat integration at /utility/RevenueCatHandler.js and it is initialized at /app/_layout.js like this:

import { Stack } from "expo-router";
import "../global.css";
import { ThemeProvider } from "../utility/ThemeContext";
import { RevenueCatHandler } from "../utility/RevenueCatHandler";
const StackLayout = () => {
return (
        <Stack.Screen  name="(tabs)"  options={{ headerShown:  false, title:  'Back'  }}  />
        <Stack.Screen  name="Auth/Login"  options={{ headerShown:  false  }}  />
        <Stack.Screen  name="Auth/Signup"  options={{ headerShown:  false  }}  />
        <Stack.Screen  name="Auth/MagicLink"  options={{ headerShown:  false  }}  />
        <Stack.Screen  name="Onboarding"  options={{ headerShown:  false  }}  />
        <Stack.Screen  name="Splashscreen"  options={{ headerShown:  false  }}  />
        <Stack.Screen  name="Screens"  options={{ headerShown:  false  }}  />
export default StackLayout

By default the <RevenueCatHandler> is disabled and commented out. To setup RevenueCat we recommend to follow this GalaxiesDev tutorial.

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